2022 - Chicago YPB - D
Donate To This CampaignWhat is the Young Professionals Board?
Special Olympics Illinois’ Young Professionals Board (YPB) is an active group of young professionals from all sectors of the business community who work together to advance the mission of Special Olympics Illinois (SOILL). As members of the YPB, these young professionals offer their multi-faceted skill sets, life experience, diverse perspectives, and the passion to make a difference for all individuals with intellectual disabilities. To learn more about the Greater Chicagland Young Professionals Board visit our website.
Special Olympics Illinois's Young Professionals Board is dedicated to strengthening their community through philanthropy and volunteerism. YPB’s overarching goals are:
Support SOILL and its strategic partnerships, events, fundraisers, advocacy, and community engagements, by integrating SOILL’s mission into every activity.
Grow awareness for the mission. Educate your peers and the community at-large about individuals with intellectual disabilities and build awareness of the value of volunteerism and fundraising.
Fundraise and provide fundraising support. Open new doors in the community to gain funding or in-kind support for SOILL efforts.
Connect with corporate and civic leaders creating a deeper connection within your community and with SOILL partners.
Provide professional volunteer support. Support SOILL with special projects in the local market including advocacy, program execution and participation, event support, and community engagement.
Grow a local network of volunteers. Represent professional, geographic, and ethnic diversity and all those impacted by intellectual disabilities in the community. YPB builds awareness among the young and civic-minded
Why Special Olympics Illinois?
Special Olympics Illinois is a not-for-profit organization that serves more than 23,000 traditional athletes with intellectual disabilities and 13,000 Young Athletes ages 2-7 with and without intellectual disabilities. Through inclusive athletic, health and leadership programs, Special Olympics Illinois empowers our athletes to transform themselves, their communities and the world. Individuals with intellectual disabilities face societal, political and cultural discrimination, ranging from misunderstanding and bullying to isolation and exclusion. At the core of our mission, Special Olympics IL is a sports organization that uses the power of sports as a catalyst for social change. We breakdown long-held misconceptions about people with intellectual disabilities by highlighting the inherent talent and unbounded promise of our athletes and how their spirit has, does and will continue to positively impact communities throughout Illinois.